the masterpiece...

the masterpiece...
colours make the world go round... =)

Friday, September 04, 2009

shit happens

god in all days the day before shev's party i have to be screwed. ughh... it must some sort of punishment for all those classes i skip!

been feeling moody most of the day n its not getting any better! i so so sooooooo hope i can go for shev's party tomorrow nite, i can tell she's alrdy pissed off. damn damn damn......


wishing u an awesome day n night n ur legal so party hard baby...even tho u alrdy did last night! x) heh....

that's all ppl!

any cheering up will reallyyyy help me nw...i think..

s'long...farewell.... oh n this is really adorable!

cookie monster cupcake!

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